Zeke is such a funny, sweet and handsome boy!
His humor seemed already evident when he was just a few days old and he is always eager to offer the gift of laughter.
Even when we happen to pet the other puppies first, Zeke sits and patiently waits for us to acknowledge him.
He is considerate and polite, never demanding our attention but always by our side and full of love and happiness.
We have never known a young puppy to be quite as photo ready as Zeke. He sits and smiles for the camera for the longest time, even when his siblings have become distracted and get in his way, he repositions to be back within camera view, never losing his smile.
He likes to climb and explore on our walks around the farm so surely he will make a great hiking companion during his outdoor adventures with his family, in Colorado.
He is very smart, eager to learn and has such an adorable personality!
He is well-mannered and such a cutie in every way.
Zeke is affectionate, cuddly and loves to fall asleep to tummy rubs.
He has a white heart on his head which is fitting for such a loving soul. It is additionally fitting for all the love surrounding his beautiful family and their upcoming wedding!
Zeke will be included in the wedding ceremony and already has his tuxedo collar.

Zeke even smiles when he gets a bath.

Zeke at his new home, in Colorado.

A note from Zeke's family...
When we first started researching breeders for a Great Bernese puppy, we did not expect to come across a website as wonderful as Dana's.
Our family waited for a puppy from Skya's first litter for about 2 years because she was not old enough to breed yet.
I am not kidding when I say I would look at the website weekly to not only see if there were any updates, but also to feel all the love the website has to offer.
Dana was always a great communicator as our relationship started off as emails back and forth. Her emails were worded just as the stories she has on her website, a true delight to read.
Once the puppies were born, the communication got even better. The group chat, including the families of each puppy in the litter became the best parts of my day!
It is hard to put into words how much love I have for Dana and her son Sage. But let me tell you it is A LOT.
I truly feel like they are now family and I'm beyond thrilled to keep in touch with them for many years to come. It's such a great feeling to know that Dana is there for my family, even beyond our dogs.
We now have an almost 6 month old puppy named Zeke! Watching him become the most amazing dog and family member makes those 2 years we waited seem like a breeze.
The amount of joy he brings into our lives is endless. He even seems to bring so much joy to everyone he meets. We were warned he would be somewhat of a celebrity, but we could have never imagined like this.
His personality is the perfect mix between a wild man and a sweet lover boy. His daily zoomies make us cry with laughter and his love of cuddling and quality time also makes us a bit teary... in a good way : )
He is truly a wonder dog and the first 10 weeks of his life with Dana is one of the biggest reason why. We are forever grateful and can't wait until our family is ready for round two!
All my love,