
Photos coming soon.
Oberon at his new home in
Pleasant Hill, CA
A note from Oberon's family...

Oberon’s Story
On March 24, 2023, Skya gave birth to six beautiful puppies, each a masterpiece. Oberon was born 5th, one of 5 boys in the litter. When we saw his “guinea pig” image on the website, we fell in love, which is an irreversible step. The “O” marking on his head led us to his name (The King of the Fairies in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream). The early weeks couldn’t go by quickly enough for us to finally hold him in our arms (June 11).
Dana’s expert care ensured the puppies thrived as the precious sentient beings they are. Mamma’s milk (and later actual food), medication, love, socialization, training…all were provided with expertise and thoughtfulness so that when we met Oberon for the first time, he trusted that we were safe and loved him. Imagine meeting your new human pack and simultaneously seeing your mom and brother (Kelty) for the last time, all in the space of a few hours.
The confidence this 10-week-old puppy displayed was astonishing! He left the security of his mom to join us in a hotel, and then flew on a jet the following day to come to his new home. He settled on the jet, trusting that he was safe with us. Of course, he was.

For those considering transporting their pup by air, please investigate JSX airlines which allows dogs to be in the cabin at your feet (you basically buy a seat for them).
The theme of trust continued to be apparent as Oberon settled into a new routine in our home.

In what position would a puppy be more vulnerable than on its back with the belly exposed? He knew he was safe and routinely adopted “the family pose” (an apt phrase that Dana coined because they all sleep that way). We also learned that he was often too warm, and his hairless abdomen released a lot of heat that his puppy metabolism generated.

At 11 months of age, our grandkids were introduced to our dogs. So, when our oldest grandson met Oberon, it was love at first sight on both their parts. Again, the trust that each showed the other speaks to the thoughtful, effective and balanced upbringing that Dana provided in the first 10 weeks of his life.
Oberon just wants to be with his people, wherever they are. We had imagined crate training him, but learned quickly that would have broken his spirit. Instead, we placed his indoor bed at the foot of ours, and he knew exactly how to settle in.
Again, Dana’s expert training saved the day because even as a 10-week-old puppy, he would whimper when he needed to go out. This remarkable understanding on his part made housebreaking a non-event. As I write this, he is 7 months old and has never, ever had an accident in the house. When we relate this story to other dog people, they are both skeptical and envious. The truth is that these dogs have a sense of place and propriety that in my experience is unparalleled.

Ahhh, those eyes! And those paws! Oberon looks at us with unconditional love as he discerns new words and phrases. He learned the essentials so quickly (“outside”, “inside”, “down”, “sit”, “shake” and much more) that we marveled at how much he wanted to please. The paws often conveyed both love and a desire for interaction. The only time they pose a challenge is when I’m putting on my socks, and I’m not moving fast enough to suit him because he knows that getting dressed is the prelude to going to the p-a-r-k. Oh yeah, that word was learned early on too.

The transition from puppy to dog happens so quickly that you find yourself amazed at both the physical growth and the cognitive maturity. Each time Oberon took a nap, he seemed to awaken either ½” taller or longer, but never both. His smooth puppy fur was gradually replaced with his adult wavy coat (the envy of many!).

Despite his size and weight advantage, Oberon learned to play with other dogs gently so that everyone had fun, and nothing got out of hand. His small buddy Gus (below) can run beneath him as they wrestle. Often Oberon would roll on his back as Gus chewed on his fur. Even today at 80 pounds, Oberon can wrestle with Gus and others in a manner that everyone gets exercise, and no one gets hurt.

Oberon delights in new experiences, no doubt due to Dana’s concerted effort to ensure that in their early weeks they have exposure to other animals, riding in a car and much more. Here he discovered the joy of snow on a road trip to Alberta, Canada. He loved it, rolled in it, ate it and truly discovered that environment is what he was made for. His enormous paws gave him a 4-leg drive advantage over the puny humans. He was sad to leave the snow.
The blend of breeds, Bernese Mountain Dog and Great Pyrenees, is often evident as if Oberon is tapping into one set of instincts or the other. When in “Bernese mode” he can bounce like a kangaroo at your side, thrilled for a trip to the mailbox, or just to have had breakfast with you. When in “Pyrenees mode”, he will sit silently and observe other dogs and people, just taking it all in as if he were the Sentry in that moment. Watching his attentive gaze, I can only imagine what he is taking in and adding to his maturing awareness. Here are two examples of his “Pyrenees” gaze.

Oberon is the perfect dog for us in every way. We couldn’t be happier, or more in love. And now if you’ll excuse me, I have a fuzzy belly to rub.
Don, Dennis and Mr. O