Lacey is just the most adorable and affectionate little puppy!
Ever since her eyes opened, she gives the best kisses every day. She acts elated to see us, reaching up for hugs and kisses, tail wagging, even if we have only left the room for a few minutes before returning. She has such a gift for bringing happiness.
She is so beautiful and smart beyond words. She seems to have full conversations with her eye contact and facial expressions. She is sensitive and generous with her emotions.
She is comfortable with independence but loves to snuggle.
Lacey can be dainty and feminine, seeking out the softest pillows to sleep on but she also has a spunky side and has no problem holding her own while playing with her larger brothers. She is very athletic too.
She reminds us so much of Max when he was a puppy, as far as high intelligence.

Big brother, Spoticus, rarely leaves his baby brothers and sisters.

Lacey's white markings roughly resemble a map of the US, with a heart over Arizona.

Lacey at her new home, in Arizona & Colorado, along with her 9-month-old brother, Oso, from the June 2019 litter.