Dozer is the biggest puppy in the litter. The big guys have to sleep more than the others so much of their personality is somewhat unknown in the earliest stages of development. During the first couple of weeks, we described Dozer as being easy-going and tolerant.
Dozer has some neat intricacies to his personality. He is such a happy, sweet and sensitive puppy. He is mild-mannered, an observer and borders on somewhat serious, at times, as a puppy but still has fun and plays with the others.
Always polite and considerate, he allows the others to jump in for attention first, patiently awaiting his turn.
He is also very expressive and does a great job communicating his feelings. He is the spokesperson/spokespuppy for the group and has a lot of great stories to tell.
He is smart, eager to learn and aims to please. He learned to “Come” and “Sit” at age 6 weeks, after just being asked one time.
Dozer loves attention but is content being independent as well. He seems to like routines, opting for his favorite nap location each day, favoring a cool surface over beds that are soft and comfy.
We love to cuddle with him. He is like a big, fluffy Teddy Bear.


Dozer at his new home, in Arizona.

Dozer's 1st Birthday party before opening his presents.